Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Singing Time Plan: July #2

I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July!  I'm excited to be using charades in Singing Time this coming week.  It's a powerful activity for showing the children how the principles in a song apply to their lives.

  Junior Primary

Word strips for charades

"The Holy Ghost"  (p. 105) 
Body rhythms.  Use a simple combination of stomping, clapping, patting lap, etc. while you sing. 

"Come, Follow Me"  (Hymns #116) 
Charades.  Prepare word strips ahead of time with simple actions the Savior performed, which we can also do, like reading scriptures, praying, and so on.  Sing while a child demonstrates each action.

"I Feel My Savior's Love"  (p. 74) 
Magic crayon.  Tell the children you have a magic (imaginary) crayon.  Announce the color.  Have them choose their own, and see if they can follow your large, sweeping motions while you sing.  I got this activity idea from Sharla Dance, and you can read her full description here.  

"I Know That My Savior Loves Me"   

  Senior Primary

Word search
"The Holy Ghost"  (p. 105) 
Partner body rhythms.  Use body rhythms as for Junior primary, but add interaction with a partner, such as tapping forearms together.

"I Feel My Savior's Love"  (p. 74) 
Word search.  Create a word search with key words from the song.  Pass one out to each child, and sing as they puzzle it out.  You can download a copy of my word search here.  

"Come, Follow Me"  (Hymns #116) 
Charades.  Same as for Junior.

"Tell Me the Stories of Jesus"  (p. 57) 
Look up the scripture.  We didn't have time for this activity last week, so I'm putting it in my plan again. :)

Happy singing!

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