Sunday, August 26, 2018

"A Child's Prayer"--Reviewing with Egg Shakers

We have a newly called Primary Music Leader in our ward, and she's fantastic with the children! Nicolle Sherwood is a professional musician, and she gave me permission to share an activity she brought into Primary her first week. 

The children have already learned all the songs for the Primary program, but they get forgetful. So, Nicolle has been going through and reviewing how well they know each song. Her egg shaker activity is a great way to review "A Child's Prayer" in Junior Primary. 

Here is a video of me, showing Nicolle's activity:

When I saw Nicolle present this activity, I wasn't sure if the kids would go for it. I mean, the egg shakers weren't moving that fast or anything, and that didn't seem that exciting to me. I was amazed at how the kids responded. They were completely focused on her, mimicking her movements carefully. She did a couple repeats, having them focus on different aspects of the music or movements, and then at the very end, she had the children shake their eggs crazy fast and loud, just for fun. The kids loved it. :)

This just shows the first verse of "A Child's Prayer," but you could improvise your own actions for the second verse. 

Happy singing!

Looking for more? 
Here is a collection of other review ideas. Or, try using this charades activity for any of a number of songs. 


  1. Thank you for sharing. This is wonderful!

  2. I adapted this idea to WHEN I AM BAPTIZED and it went really, really well! Thank you for sharing. I know that you aren't the music leader anymore, but I still refer to your blog often. Thank you for sharing so many of your lesson plans and ideas, they have helped me immensely!
