Thursday, May 31, 2018

8 Tips for Planning Primary Music from

Recently I was browsing around on, just to refresh my memory as to what resources were there for Primary music leaders. There is a page dedicated solely to planning music time, here. I don't remember this page from when I was first called! (But then again, that has been a few years...) The page offers 8 tips for planning Primary music, and I was excited to see how well they align with the principles that our favorite music mentor, Sharla, has been teaching for years. Each tip offers a brief explanation as well as a question for us to ask ourselves. Here is a summary:

1. Know the Song

Do I know the song well enough to make eye contact with the children?

2. Use the Scriptures

Do I connect the doctrine to the words the children are singing?

3. Sing, Sing, Sing

Do we sing more than we talk or play games?

4. Capture the Children's Attention

Do the attention-getters that I use enhance the learning experience?

5. Include Different Learning Styles

Do I vary my teaching plan to include different learning styles?

6. Direct Children's Listening

Do I ask questions that encourage thinking?

7. Involve the Children

Do I use activities that involve all of the children rather than a few?

8. Bear Testimony

Do I bear brief testimony of the doctrine taught in the song?

I strongly encourage you to check out the full article here. Now I want to go read the rest of the Primary music site. I wonder what we'll find next! :)

Happy singing,

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